drop function if exists rand_num;
create function rand_num(start_num integer, end_num integer )
returns integer
return floor(start_num + rand() * (end_num - start_num + 1));
select rand_num(1, 9);
select tb.table_schema as 数据库名称
, tb.table_name as 表名
, tb.comments as 表描述
, tc.column_name as 字段名
, tc.column_comment as 字段描述
, tc.data_type as 数据类型
, tc.column_type as 字段类型
, tc.column_key as 键值
, tc.ordinal_position as 字段排序
from (
select table_schema
, table_name
, table_comment as comments
from information_schema.tables
where table_schema not in ('information_schema','mysql')
) tb
join (
select table_schema
, table_name
, column_name
, data_type
, column_type
, column_key
, column_comment
, ordinal_position
from information_schema.columns
) tc on tb.table_schema=tc.table_schema and tb.table_name=tc.table_name
order by tb.table_schema,tb.table_name,tc.ordinal_position
select 'adb' 数据库类型
, table_schema 数据库名称
, table_name 表名
, column_name 字段名称
, data_type 字段类型
, column_comment 字段备注
, ordinal_position+1 as 字段排序
, case when is_primarykey=1 then 'pri' else null end as 字段标识
from information_schema.columns
order by table_schema
, table_name
, ordinal_position
select concat(
case when tc.ordinal_position=1 then concat('drop table if exists ',tb.table_name,';\r\n', 'create table ',tb.table_name,' (\r\n ') else ' , ' end
, concat(tc.column_name,' ',tc.column_type,' comment ''',tc.column_comment,'''')
, case when tc.ordinal_position=mx.ordinal_position then concat('\r\n , primary key(',mx.ck,')\r\n',') ', 'comment ''',tb.comments,''';\r\n') else '' end
) as _sql
, tb.table_schema
, tb.table_group
, tb.table_name
, tb.comments
, tc.column_name
, tc.data_type
, tc.column_comment
, tc.is_primarykey
, tc.ordinal_position
, mx.ck
from (
select table_schema
, table_group
, table_name
, comments
from information_schema.tables
) tb
join (
select table_schema
, table_group
, table_name
, column_name
, data_type
, type_code
, sub_type_code
, case when data_type in ('timestamp','date') then data_type
when numeric_precision<>-1 then concat(data_type,'(',numeric_precision,',',numeric_scale,')')
else concat(data_type,'(',type_code,')') end as column_type
, column_comment
, is_primarykey
, ordinal_position+1 as ordinal_position
from information_schema.columns
) tc on tb.table_schema=tc.table_schema and tb.table_group=tc.table_group and tb.table_name=tc.table_name
join (
select table_schema
, table_group
, table_name
, max(ordinal_position)+1 as ordinal_position
, group_concat(case when is_primarykey=1 then column_name else null end) as ck
from information_schema.columns
group by table_schema
, table_group
, table_name
) mx on tb.table_schema=mx.table_schema and tb.table_group=mx.table_group and tb.table_name=mx.table_name
order by tb.table_schema,tb.table_name,tc.ordinal_position
select table_schema
, table_name
, max(table_comment) as table_comment
, count(1) as sub_table_count
, sum(table_rows) as table_rows
, round(sum(data_length+index_length)/1024/1024/1024,4) as total_gb_size
, sum(data_length+index_length) as total_length
, sum(data_length) as data_length
, sum(index_length) as index_length
from (
select case when cast(substring_index(table_schema,'_',-1) as unsigned)>0 or substring_index(table_schema,'_',-1) in ('00','000','0000') then replace(table_schema,concat('_',substring_index(table_schema,'_',-2)),'') else table_schema end table_schema
, table_schema as table_schema_old
, case when cast(substring_index(table_name,'_',-1) as unsigned)>0 or substring_index(table_name,'_',-1) in ('00','000','0000') then replace(table_name,concat('_',substring_index(table_name,'_',-2)),'')
when cast(substring_index(table_schema,'_',-1) as unsigned)>0 or substring_index(table_schema,'_',-1) in ('00','000','0000') then replace(table_name,concat('_',substring_index(table_name,'_',-1)),'')
else table_name end table_name
, table_name as table_name_old
, table_comment
, table_type
, table_rows
, data_length
, index_length
from information_schema.tables a
where table_schema not in ('mysql','information_schema')
and table_name not like '__drds__%'
) t
group by table_schema,table_name